Engineering Geology Q1 Unclaimed
Engineering Geology is an international interdisciplinary journal bridging the fields of the earth sciences and engineering, particularly geological and geotechnical engineering. The focus of the journal is on geological or engineering studies that are of interest to engineering geologists, whether their initial training is in geology or civil/mining engineering. The studies published in this journal must show relevance to engineering, environmental concerns, and safety. It has an SJR impact factor of 2,437.
Engineering Geology focuses its scope in these topics and keywords: assessment, reactivated, structure, lime, deformation, ggbsliquefaction, granulated, ground, geophysical, granular, ...
Type: Journal
Type of Copyright:
Languages: English
Open Access Policy: Open Choice
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Publication frecuency: -

3772 €
Inmediate OANPD
Embargoed OA0 €
Non OAMetrics
SJR Impact factor176
H Index330
Total Docs (Last Year)1178
Total Docs (3 years)19769
Total Refs9473
Total Cites (3 years)1166
Citable Docs (3 years)7.53
Cites/Doc (2 years)59.91
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Remediation technologies for metal-contaminated soils and groundwater: an evaluation
Landslide risk assessment and management: an overview
Spatial data for landslide susceptibility, hazard, and vulnerability assessment: An overview
Surfactant-enhanced remediation of contaminated soil: a review
Guidelines for landslide susceptibility, hazard and risk zoning for land use planning
Landslide susceptibility mapping: A comparison of logistic regression and neural networks methods in a medium scale study, Hendek region (Turkey)
Investigating landslides with space-borne Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) interferometry
A method for producing digital probabilistic seismic landslide hazard maps
Using multiple logistic regression and GIS technology to predict landslide hazard in northeast Kansas, USA
UAV-based remote sensing of the Super-Sauze landslide: Evaluation and results
Determination and application of the weights for landslide susceptibility mapping using an artificial neural network
Modelling the mechanical behaviour of expansive clays
A comparative study of conventional, ANN black box, fuzzy and combined neural and fuzzy weighting procedures for landslide susceptibility zonation in Darjeeling Himalayas
Utilization of fly ash for stabilization/solidification of heavy metal contaminated soils
An assessment on the use of logistic regression and artificial neural networks with different sampling strategies for the preparation of landslide susceptibility maps
Regression models for estimating coseismic landslide displacement
Water permeability, water retention and microstructure of unsaturated compacted Boom clay
Landslide hazard evaluation and zonation mapping in mountainous terrain
Mathematical modelling of groundwater flow at Sellafield, UK
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