Default: International Endodontic Journal

ISSN: 0143-2885

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International Endodontic Journal Q1 Unclaimed

Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd United Kingdom
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International Endodontic Journal is a journal indexed in SJR in Dentistry (miscellaneous) with an H index of 147. It has a price of 2667 €. It has an SJR impact factor of 2,155 and it has a best quartile of Q1. It is published in English. It has an SJR impact factor of 2,155.

International Endodontic Journal focuses its scope in these topics and keywords: apical, smaller, larger, healing, review, size, file, systematic, nonvital, mta, ...

Type: Journal

Type of Copyright:

Languages: English

Open Access Policy: Open Choice

Type of publications:

Publication frecuency: -


2667 €

Inmediate OA


Embargoed OA

0 €

Non OA


International Endodontic Journal


SJR Impact factor


H Index


Total Docs (Last Year)


Total Docs (3 years)


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Total Cites (3 years)


Citable Docs (3 years)


Cites/Doc (2 years)




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Aims and Scope

apical, smaller, larger, healing, review, size, file, systematic, nonvital, mta, master, points, properties, prospective, pulp, pulps, signalling, irrigating, interaction, injury, chlorhexidineimpregnated, chlorinecontaining, clinical, comparative, solutionsmaster, dentine, dynamic, endodontic, expression, guttapercha, hypochlorite, immature,

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