Planta Q1 Unclaimed
Planta publishes timely, sound, and complete articles on all aspects of plant biology. Works submitted for publication should contribute with new knowledge and further advance the state of the art.Current Call for Papers : We invite you to submit to our open topical collections.Planta welcomes original research on any plant species. Areas of interest include biochemistry, bioenergy, biotechnology, cell biology, development, ecological and environmental physiology, growth, metabolism, morphogenesis, molecular biology, new methods, physiology, plant-microbe interactions, structural biology, and systems biology. Review articles summarize recent advances in topical areas of plant biology.
The Editors-in-Chief of Planta are Dorothea Bartels, Institut für Molekulare Physiologie und Biotechnologie der Pflanzen (IMBIO), Universität Bonn, Germany; and Anastasios Melis, University of California, Berkeley CA USA.Planta’s cited half-life (the median age of articles that were cited in a given Journal Citation Report year) is >10 years.Why publish with us
First published in 1925, our journal has been ranked in the top quartile of plant sciences journals for many years.
We welcome research in all areas of plant biology, including work on non-model species.
With our swift and rigorous editorial process, we publish articles in their final form as soon as they are ready.
We deliver high levels of author satisfaction, with 94% of our published authors reporting that they would definitely or probably publish with us again. It has an SJR impact factor of 0,944.
Planta focuses its scope in these topics and keywords: gene, growth, promoter, production, vacuoles, vrnb, tobacco, marker, expression, synthase, ...
Type: Journal
Type of Copyright:
Languages: English
Open Access Policy: Open Choice
Type of publications:
Publication frecuency: -

3190 €
Inmediate OANPD
Embargoed OA0 €
Non OAMetrics
SJR Impact factor185
H Index233
Total Docs (Last Year)717
Total Docs (3 years)19040
Total Refs3161
Total Cites (3 years)714
Citable Docs (3 years)4.01
Cites/Doc (2 years)81.72
Ref/DocOther journals with similar parameters
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Some relationships between the biochemistry of photosynthesis and the gas exchange of leaves
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Plant responses to drought, salinity and extreme temperatures: towards genetic engineering for stress tolerance
The presence of glutathione and glutathione reductase in chloroplasts: A proposed role in ascorbic acid metabolism
Molecular mechanisms of plant metal tolerance and homeostasis
Nutritional requirements for growth of Vicia hajastana cells and protoplasts at a very low population density in liquid media
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Polyamines: essential factors for growth and survival
Cellular compartmentation of cadmium and zinc in relation to other elements in the hyperaccumulator Arabidopsis halleri
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The CO2/O2 specificity of ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase
Nitric oxide stimulates seed germination and de-etiolation, and inhibits hypocotyl elongation, three light-inducible responses in plants
Chitinase in bean leaves: induction by ethylene, purification, properties, and possible function
Plating of isolated tobacco mesophyll protoplasts on agar medium
Impact of low-temperature stress on general phenylpropanoid and anthocyanin pathways: Enhancement of transcript abundance and anthocyanin pigmentation in maize seedlings
Contribution of the arbuscular mycorrhizal symbiosis to heavy metal phytoremediation
Iron uptake, trafficking and homeostasis in plants
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