Top 15 journals in Computational Mechanics
In this page you can find 82 journals from the Computational Mechanics category. Below you can find the best journals of this category based on your own requirements, including Impact Factor, Publication Type, Open Access policy and Price.
Elsevier B.V.
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering is a journal with an H index of 231. It is an journal with a review system, and It has a price of…

SJR Impact factor
2,397Acceptance Rate
19 %Time to publication
NPDInmediate OA:
Embargoed OA:
Non OA:
Springer Verlag

Join the biweekly Experiments in Fluids Webinar. More information on
Next Webinar on May 30, 2023, 4pm CET:Daniela Heine, German Aerospace Center: Tests of (unsteady) vehicle aerodynamics: test rigs at DLR GoettingenEXIF remarks for first time authors you will find at
Experiments in Fluids examines the advancement, extension, and improvement of new techniques of flow measurement. The journal also publishes contributions that employ existing experimental techniques to gain an understanding of the underlying flow physics in the areas of turbulence, aerodynamics, hydrodynamics, convective heat transfer, combustion, turbomachinery, multi-phase flows, and chemical, biological and geological flows. In addition, readers will find papers that report on investigations combining experimental and analytical/numerical approaches.
In addition to Research Articles, Experiments in Fluids publishes Letters and Review Articles.
Examines the advancement, extension, and improvement of new techniques of flow measurementUses existing experimental techniques to gain an understanding of the underlying flow physicsPublishes research articles, letters, and reviews92% of authors who answered a survey reported that they would definitely publish or probably publish in the journal again

SJR Impact factor
0,848Acceptance Rate
23 %Time to publication
NPDInmediate OA:
2590 €
Embargoed OA:
Non OA:
0 €
John Wiley and Sons Ltd
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids is a journal with an H index of 126. It is an journal with a review system, and It has a price of…

SJR Impact factor
0,573Acceptance Rate
23 %Time to publication
NPDInmediate OA:
3100 €
Embargoed OA:
Non OA:
0 €
Springer Verlag

The journal reports original research of scholarly value in computational engineering and sciences. It focuses on areas that involve and enrich the application of mechanics, mathematics and numerical methods. It covers new methods and computationally-challenging technologies.Areas covered include method development in solid, fluid mechanics and materials simulations with application to biomechanics and mechanics in medicine, multiphysics, fracture mechanics, multiscale mechanics, particle and meshfree methods. Additionally, manuscripts including simulation and method development of synthesis of material systems are encouraged.Manuscripts reporting results obtained with established methods, unless they involve challenging computations, and manuscripts that report computations using commercial software packages are not encouraged.
Publishes original research of scholarly value in computational engineering and sciencesFocuses on areas that involve and enrich the application of mechanics, mathematics, and numerical methodsCovers new methods and computationally-challenging technologies100% of authors who answered a survey reported that they would definitely publish or probably publish in the journal again

SJR Impact factor
1,265Acceptance Rate
24 %Time to publication
NPDInmediate OA:
2690 €
Embargoed OA:
Non OA:
0 €
Springer Netherlands

The International Journal of Fracture is an outlet for original analytical, numerical and experimental contributions which provide improved understanding of the mechanisms of micro and macro fracture in all materials, and their engineering implications.The journal presents papers from engineers and scientists working in various aspects of fracture, as well as occasional review papers in these as well as other areas. Innovative and in-depth engineering applications of fracture theory are also encouraged.In addition, the journal publishes concise Letters in Fracture and Micromechanics which serve the Journal's Objective. Letters include brief presentations of a new idea, concept or method; new experimental observations or methods of significance; short notes of quality that do not amount to full length papers; discussion of previously published work in the Journal, and Letters Errata.
Improves understanding of the mechanisms and mechanics of micro and macro fracture in all materials, and their engineering implicationsPresents papers from engineers and scientists working in various aspects of fracturePublishes concise Letters in Fracture and MicromechanicsFree full colour printing! No page limits!

SJR Impact factor
0,676Acceptance Rate
24 %Time to publication
NPDInmediate OA:
2490 €
Embargoed OA:
Non OA:
0 €
John Wiley and Sons Ltd
International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics is a journal with an H index of 114. It is an journal with a review system, and It has a price of…

SJR Impact factor
1,132Acceptance Rate
25 %Time to publication
NPDInmediate OA:
3150 €
Embargoed OA:
Non OA:
0 €
Springer-Verlag Wien
Acta Mechanica is a journal with an H index of 89. It is an journal with a review system, and It has a price of…

SJR Impact factor
0,558Acceptance Rate
26 %Time to publication
NPDInmediate OA:
2690 €
Embargoed OA:
Non OA:
0 €
Walter de Gruyter GmbH
International Journal of Nonlinear Sciences and Numerical Simulation is a journal with an H index of 62. It is an journal with a review system, and It has a price of…

SJR Impact factor
0,367Acceptance Rate
29 %Time to publication
NPDInmediate OA:
Embargoed OA:
Non OA:
Springer New York

Theoretical and Computational Fluid Dynamics:
Addresses scientists, engineers and applied mathematicians working in all fields concerned with fundamental aspects of fluid flow and provides a forum for the cross-fertilization of ideas and techniques across all disciplines in which fluid flow plays a role
Welcomes contributions addressing diverse applications of fluid dynamics including aerospace, mechanical, geophysical, environmental, materials and life sciences
Presents papers that unravel complex flow physics through complementary theoretical analysis and computation, combined computational and experimental efforts, as well as data-driven- and reduced-order flow modeling
Of particular interest are papers employing modern approaches to flow receptivity, instability, transition and control, as is research addressing high-speed flow in rarefied environments.
The journal publishes scholarly research papers, invited review articles, brief communications, letters and comments on previously published papers.
The journal also publishes Special Issues on current research topics and invites authors to submit SI suggestions through any member of the Editorial Board.

SJR Impact factor
0,956Acceptance Rate
28 %Time to publication
NPDInmediate OA:
2190 €
Embargoed OA:
Non OA:
0 €
Wiley-VCH Verlag
ZAMM Zeitschrift fur Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik is a journal with an H index of 58. It is an journal with a review system, and It has a price of…

SJR Impact factor
0,378Acceptance Rate
30 %Time to publication
NPDInmediate OA:
2500 €
Embargoed OA:
Non OA:
0 €
Taylor and Francis Ltd.
Journal of Turbulence is a journal with an H index of 63. It is an journal with a review system, and It has a price of…

SJR Impact factor
0,792Acceptance Rate
29 %Time to publication
NPDInmediate OA:
Embargoed OA:
Non OA:
0 €
Springer Verlag
Acta Mechanica Sinica/Lixue Xuebao is a journal with an H index of 60. It is an journal with a review system, and It has a price of…

SJR Impact factor
0,809Acceptance Rate
30 %Time to publication
NPDInmediate OA:
Embargoed OA:
Non OA:
SAGE Publications Ltd
International Journal of Damage Mechanics is a journal with an H index of 56. It is an journal with a review system, and It has a price of…

SJR Impact factor
1,237Acceptance Rate
31 %Time to publication
NPDInmediate OA:
3250 €
Embargoed OA:
Non OA:
0 €
Taylor and Francis Ltd.
International Journal of Computational Fluid Dynamics is a journal with an H index of 48. It is an journal with a review system, and It has a price of…

SJR Impact factor
0,423Acceptance Rate
32 %Time to publication
NPDInmediate OA:
2395 €
Embargoed OA:
Non OA:
0 €
Academic Press Inc.
Advances in Applied Mechanics is a book series with an H index of 38. It is an book series with a review system, and It has a price of…
SJR Impact factor
0,646Acceptance Rate
34 %Time to publication
NPDInmediate OA:
Embargoed OA:
Non OA:
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