Top 15 journals in Control and Optimization
In this page you can find 104 journals from the Control and Optimization category. Below you can find the best journals of this category based on your own requirements, including Impact Factor, Publication Type, Open Access policy and Price.
Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics Publications
SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization is a journal with an H index of 129. It is an journal with a review system, and It has a price of…

SJR Impact factor
1,565Acceptance Rate
23 %Time to publication
NPDInmediate OA:
Embargoed OA:
Non OA:
Springer Verlag

Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization is at the converging frontier of design, engineering, simulation, additive manufacturing, AI and digital-twins. The field has become increasingly important for improving environmental sustainability and combating climate change through enhancing efficiency of engineering products.
The journal
• explores a wide range of topics dealing with optimization involving at least one major engineering discipline such as solid (structural), fluid, thermal, electric and electronics, electromagnetics etc.
• covers multidisciplinary optimization when one discipline deals with a major physical performance listed above.
• examines closely related fields that are relevant to design optimization.
• is the official journal of the International Society of Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization (ISSMO)
The journal’s scope ranges from mathematical foundations of the field to algorithm and software development, and from benchmark examples to case studies of practical applications in a wide range of industries including automotive, aerospace, rail, AEC (architecture, engineering and construction), mechanical, electrical, chemical, naval and bio-medical. Articles that provide broad educational value are also encouraged.
Fields such as computer-aided design and manufacturing, additive manufacturing, digital-twins, AI, system identification and modeling, inverse processes, computer simulation, bio-mechanics, biomedical applications, nanotechnology, electric and electronics systems, MEMS, optics, chemical processes, computational biology, uncertainty quantification, meta-modeling, DOE and active control of engineering products are covered when the topic is closely related to the optimization of structures, fluids or another major physics.
• explores a wide range of topics dealing with optimization involving at least one major engineering discipline such as solid (structural), fluid, thermal, electric and electronics, electromagnetics etc.
• covers multidisciplinary optimization when one discipline deals with a major physical performance listed above.
• examines closely related fields that are relevant to design optimization.
• is the official journal of the International Society of Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization (ISSMO)

SJR Impact factor
1,181Acceptance Rate
23 %Time to publication
NPDInmediate OA:
2690 €
Embargoed OA:
Non OA:
0 €
John Wiley & Sons Inc.
IET Control Theory and Applications is a journal with an H index of 122. It is an journal with a review system, and It has a price of…

SJR Impact factor
0,957Acceptance Rate
23 %Time to publication
NPDInmediate OA:
Embargoed OA:
Non OA:
Elsevier B.V.
Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control is a journal with an H index of 101. It is an journal with a review system, and It has a price of…

SJR Impact factor
1,799Acceptance Rate
25 %Time to publication
NPDInmediate OA:
Embargoed OA:
Non OA:
Springer New York

The Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications publishes carefully selected papers covering mathematical optimization techniques and their applications to science and engineering. An applications paper should cover the application of an optimization technique along with the solution of a particular problem.
Typical theoretical areas in the journal include linear, nonlinear, conic, stochastic, discrete, and dynamic optimization, variational and convex analysis. Application areas comprise of mathematical economics, mathematical physics and biology, and aerospace, biomedical, chemical, civil, electrical, and mechanical engineering. Recent, emerging, and novel areas of optimization, such machine/deep learning, service systems optimization and quantum computing optimization are encouraged.
The Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications journal publishes six types of contributions: regular papers, invited papers, survey papers, technical notes, book notices, and forums (very short papers containing comments on published papers, discussions of open problems, discussions of research perspectives, and so on).
97% of authors who answered a survey reported that they would definitely publish or probably publish in the journal again

SJR Impact factor
0,864Acceptance Rate
25 %Time to publication
NPDInmediate OA:
2290 €
Embargoed OA:
Non OA:
0 €
Springer Netherlands
Journal of Global Optimization is a journal with an H index of 96. It is an journal with a review system, and It has a price of…

SJR Impact factor
0,743Acceptance Rate
25 %Time to publication
NPDInmediate OA:
2190 €
Embargoed OA:
Non OA:
0 €
Springer Netherlands

This journal publishes research on the analysis and development of computational algorithms and modeling technology for optimization. It examines algorithms either for general classes of optimization problems or for more specific applied problems, stochastic algorithms as well as deterministic algorithms.Computational Optimization and Applications covers a wide range of topics in optimization, including: large scale optimization, unconstrained optimization, constrained optimization, nondifferentiable optimization, combinatorial optimization, stochastic optimization, multiobjective optimization, and network optimization. It also covers linear programming, complexity theory, automatic differentiation, approximations and error analysis, parametric programming and sensitivity analysis, management science, and more.This peer-reviewed journal features both research and tutorial papers that provide theoretical analysis, along with carefully designed computational experiments.Officially cited as: Comput Optim Appl
Publishes research on the analysis and development of computational algorithms and modeling technology for optimization.
Examines algorithms either for general classes of optimization problems or for more specific applied problems, stochastic algorithms as well as deterministic algorithms.
Covers a wide range of topics in optimization.

SJR Impact factor
1,322Acceptance Rate
26 %Time to publication
NPDInmediate OA:
2290 €
Embargoed OA:
Non OA:
0 €
Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI)
Energies is a journal with an H index of 152. It is an CC BY journal with a Single blind Peer Review review system, and It has a price of…

SJR Impact factor
0,651Acceptance Rate
24 %Time to publication
11 weeksInmediate OA:
1656 €
Embargoed OA:
Non OA:
- €
Springer Netherlands

The Journal of Heuristics provides a forum for advancing the state-of-the-art in the theory and practical application of techniques for solving problems approximately that cannot be solved exactly. It fosters the development, understanding, and practical use of heuristic solution techniques for solving business, engineering, and societal problems. It considers the importance of theoretical, empirical, and experimental work related to the development of heuristics. The journal presents practical applications, theoretical developments, decision analysis models that consider issues of rational decision making with limited information, artificial intelligence-based heuristics applied to a wide variety of problems, learning paradigms, and computational experimentation. Officially cited as: J Heuristics
Provides a forum for advancing the state-of-the-art in the theory and practical application of techniques for solving problems approximately that cannot be solved exactly.
Fosters the development, understanding, and practical use of heuristic solution techniques for solving business, engineering, and societal problems.
Considers the importance of theoretical, empirical, and experimental work related to the development of heuristics.

SJR Impact factor
0,65Acceptance Rate
28 %Time to publication
NPDInmediate OA:
2190 €
Embargoed OA:
Non OA:
0 €
Springer Netherlands

The journal Multibody System Dynamics treats theoretical and computational methods in rigid and flexible multibody systems, their application, and the experimental procedures used to validate the theoretical foundations.
The research reported addresses computational and experimental aspects of multibody dynamics and their application to classical and emerging fields in science and technology. Both development and application aspects of multibody dynamics are relevant, in particular in the fields of control, optimization, real-time simulation, parallel computation, workspace and path planning, reliability, and durability. The journal also publishes articles covering application fields such as vehicle dynamics, aerospace technology, robotics and mechatronics, soil models, machine dynamics, crashworthiness, biomechanics, data based methods, games, virtual reality, artificial intelligence, and system identification if they involve or contribute to the field of Multibody System Dynamics.
Provides a unique single vehicle for reporting significant developments in all areas of multibody system dynamics
Explores theoretical and computational methods in rigid and flexible multibody systems, their applications and experimental procedures used to validate the theoretical foundations. Multibody applications include, but are not limited to, vehicle dynamics, aerospace technology, robotics and mechatronics, soil models, machine dynamics, crashworthiness, and biomechanics
Addresses such issues as new formulations, solution algorithms, computational efficiency, analytical and computational kinematics, synthesis, computer implementations, etc.
Offers a forum for reporting a vast variety of multibody applications such as artificial intelligence applications based on multibody system dynamics, multibody-based embedded models, data based methods, real-time simulation, games and virtual reality

SJR Impact factor
0,823Acceptance Rate
28 %Time to publication
NPDInmediate OA:
2690 €
Embargoed OA:
Non OA:
0 €
Taylor and Francis Ltd.
Engineering Optimization is a journal with an H index of 76. It is an journal with a review system, and It has a price of…

SJR Impact factor
0,621Acceptance Rate
27 %Time to publication
NPDInmediate OA:
2395 €
Embargoed OA:
Non OA:
0 €
Taylor and Francis Ltd.
Optimization Methods and Software is a journal with an H index of 67. It is an journal with a review system, and It has a price of…

SJR Impact factor
1,001Acceptance Rate
28 %Time to publication
NPDInmediate OA:
2395 €
Embargoed OA:
Non OA:
0 €
Elsevier B.V.
Computational Geometry: Theory and Applications is a journal with an H index of 60. It is an journal with a review system, and It has a price of…

SJR Impact factor
0,497Acceptance Rate
29 %Time to publication
NPDInmediate OA:
Embargoed OA:
Non OA:
EDP Sciences
ESAIM - Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations is a journal with an H index of 66. It is an journal with a review system, and It has a price of…

SJR Impact factor
1,039Acceptance Rate
29 %Time to publication
NPDInmediate OA:
Embargoed OA:
Non OA:
Springer Netherlands

Note to authors: Real-Time Systems follows double-anonymous peer review with both authors and peer reviewers remaining anonymous.
The journal Real-Time Systems publishes papers, short papers and correspondence articles that concentrate on real-time computing principles and applications. The contents include research papers, invited papers, project reports and case studies, standards and corresponding proposals for general discussion, and a partitioned tutorial on real-time systems as a continuing series.
The range of coverage is broad, including requirements engineering, specification and verification techniques, design methods and tools, programming languages, operating systems, scheduling algorithms, architecture, hardware and interfacing, dependability and safety, distributed and other novel architectures, wired and wireless communications, wireless sensor systems, distributed databases, artificial intelligence techniques, expert systems, and application case studies.
Real-time systems find application in command and control systems, process control, flight control, avionics, defense systems, vision and robotics, pervasive and ubiquitous computing, and an abundance of embedded systems.
Explores on real-time computing principles and applications
Presents research papers, invited papers, project reports and case studies, and tutorials
Covers specification and verification techniques, design methods and tools, programming languages, operating systems, scheduling algorithms, architecture, and more

SJR Impact factor
0,42Acceptance Rate
29 %Time to publication
NPDInmediate OA:
1990 €
Embargoed OA:
Non OA:
0 €
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