Top 15 journals in Health, Toxicology and Mutagenesis
In this page you can find 142 journals from the Health, Toxicology and Mutagenesis category. Below you can find the best journals of this category based on your own requirements, including Impact Factor, Publication Type, Open Access policy and Price.
Public Health Services, US Dept of Health and Human Services
Environmental Health Perspectives is a journal with an H index of 326. It is an CC BY journal with a Single blind Peer Review review system, and It has a price of…

SJR Impact factor
2,525Acceptance Rate
17 %Time to publication
24 weeksInmediate OA:
Embargoed OA:
Non OA:
- €
Elsevier B.V.
Journal of Hazardous Materials is a journal with an H index of 352. It is an journal with a review system, and It has a price of…

SJR Impact factor
2,95Acceptance Rate
17 %Time to publication
NPDInmediate OA:
Embargoed OA:
Non OA:
Elsevier Ltd
Chemosphere is a journal with an H index of 311. It is an journal with a review system, and It has a price of…

SJR Impact factor
1,806Acceptance Rate
18 %Time to publication
NPDInmediate OA:
2395 €
Embargoed OA:
Non OA:
0 €
Elsevier Ltd
Environmental Pollution is a journal with an H index of 301. It is an journal with a review system, and It has a price of…

SJR Impact factor
2,132Acceptance Rate
18 %Time to publication
NPDInmediate OA:
Embargoed OA:
Non OA:
Department of Health and Human Services

The Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (MMWR ) series is prepared by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Often called “the voice of CDC,” the MMWR series is the agency’s primary vehicle for scientific publication of timely, reliable, authoritative, accurate, objective, and useful public health information and recommendations. MMWR readership predominantly consists of physicians, nurses, public health practitioners, epidemiologists and other scientists, researchers, educators, and laboratorians.

SJR Impact factor
13,08Acceptance Rate
19 %Time to publication
NPDInmediate OA:
0 €
Embargoed OA:
Non OA:
- €
John Wiley and Sons Inc.
Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry is a journal with an H index of 192. It is an journal with a review system, and It has a price of…

SJR Impact factor
1,268Acceptance Rate
20 %Time to publication
NPDInmediate OA:
2500 €
Embargoed OA:
Non OA:
0 €
Elsevier BV
Mutation Research - Fundamental and Molecular Mechanisms of Mutagenesis is a journal with an H index of 156. It is an journal with a review system, and It has a price of…
SJR Impact factor
1,027Acceptance Rate
21 %Time to publication
NPDInmediate OA:
Embargoed OA:
Non OA:
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
MMWR. Recommendations and reports : Morbidity and mortality weekly report. Recommendations and reports / Centers for Disease Control is a journal with an H index of 160. It is an journal with a review system, and It has a price of…

SJR Impact factor
14,618Acceptance Rate
22 %Time to publication
NPDInmediate OA:
Embargoed OA:
Non OA:
Elsevier B.V.
Aquatic Toxicology is a journal with an H index of 165. It is an journal with a review system, and It has a price of…

SJR Impact factor
1,099Acceptance Rate
21 %Time to publication
NPDInmediate OA:
Embargoed OA:
Non OA:
0 €
Elsevier B.V.
Mutation Research - Reviews in Mutation Research is a journal with an H index of 139. It is an journal with a review system, and It has a price of…

SJR Impact factor
1,778Acceptance Rate
22 %Time to publication
NPDInmediate OA:
Embargoed OA:
Non OA:
0 €
Academic Press
Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety is a journal with an H index of 180. It is an journal with a review system, and It has a price of…

SJR Impact factor
1,418Acceptance Rate
22 %Time to publication
NPDInmediate OA:
Embargoed OA:
Non OA:
Elsevier B.V.
Mutation Research - Genetic Toxicology and Environmental Mutagenesis is a journal with an H index of 126. It is an journal with a review system, and It has a price of…

SJR Impact factor
0,575Acceptance Rate
23 %Time to publication
NPDInmediate OA:
Embargoed OA:
Non OA:
0 €
Elsevier Inc.
Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, Part C is a journal with an H index of 121. It is an journal with a review system, and It has a price of…

SJR Impact factor
0,941Acceptance Rate
23 %Time to publication
NPDInmediate OA:
3510 €
Embargoed OA:
Non OA:
0 €
Springer Science and Business Media, LLC

Publishes full-length, peer-reviewed scientific articles describing new discoveries related to contamination of air, water, soil and biota
Reports on environmental contaminants of emerging interest, as well as advances in our understanding of established or legacy contaminants
Provides a multi-disciplinary forum for contributions from analytical chemistry, biochemistry, biology, ecology, environmental science and toxicology
Provides ecosystem-level insight into the fate and effects of environmental contaminants
Considers humans as part of the environment
Regards climate as a factor influencing the transport, fate and effects of environmental contaminants
Has no word or page limits for submissions
Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology (AECT) provides a forum for the publication of timely, detailed, and definitive scientific studies pertaining to the source, transport, fate and effects of environmental contaminants. Authors are encouraged to submit articles that place an emphasis on broad concepts related to the fate and effects of environmental contaminants that will be of interest to an international readership. Submissions that are limited to monitoring in a geographically small area, toxicity testing of chemicals that are well documented and regulated, removals of chemicals in wastewater or drinking water, dissipation studies in agricultural soils, or human occupational exposures and/or effects are unlikely to be considered.
The journal will also consider submissions dealing with new analytical and toxicological techniques that advance our understanding of the source, transport, fate and effects of contaminants in the environment.
AECT will also consider Special Issues on subjects of broad interest. Colleagues interested in organizing a Special Issue as a Guest Editor should contact the Editor in Chief and provide a short description of the proposed topic.

SJR Impact factor
0,911Acceptance Rate
23 %Time to publication
NPDInmediate OA:
2690 €
Embargoed OA:
Non OA:
0 €
Springer Verlag
Archives of Toxicology is a journal with an H index of 141. It is an journal with a review system, and It has a price of…

SJR Impact factor
1,236Acceptance Rate
23 %Time to publication
NPDInmediate OA:
3690 €
Embargoed OA:
Non OA:
0 €
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