Top 15 journals in Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health
In this page you can find 602 journals from the Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health category. Below you can find the best journals of this category based on your own requirements, including Impact Factor, Publication Type, Open Access policy and Price.
Public Health Services, US Dept of Health and Human Services
Environmental Health Perspectives is a journal with an H index of 326. It is an CC BY journal with a Single blind Peer Review review system, and It has a price of…

SJR Impact factor
2,525Acceptance Rate
17 %Time to publication
24 weeksInmediate OA:
Embargoed OA:
Non OA:
- €
American Society for Microbiology
Clinical Microbiology Reviews is a journal with an H index of 331. It is an journal with a review system, and It has a price of…

SJR Impact factor
6,762Acceptance Rate
17 %Time to publication
NPDInmediate OA:
Embargoed OA:
Non OA:
American Public Health Association Inc.
American Journal of Public Health is a journal with an H index of 307. It is an journal with a review system, and It has a price of…

SJR Impact factor
2,139Acceptance Rate
18 %Time to publication
NPDInmediate OA:
Embargoed OA:
Non OA:
Elsevier Inc.
American Journal of Preventive Medicine is a journal with an H index of 251. It is an journal with a review system, and It has a price of…

SJR Impact factor
2,044Acceptance Rate
19 %Time to publication
NPDInmediate OA:
Embargoed OA:
Non OA:
Elsevier B.V.
Vaccine is a journal with an H index of 215. It is an journal with a review system, and It has a price of…

SJR Impact factor
1,342Acceptance Rate
20 %Time to publication
NPDInmediate OA:
2395 €
Embargoed OA:
Non OA:
0 €
Lippincott Williams and Wilkins Ltd.
Medical Care is a journal with an H index of 202. It is an journal with a review system, and It has a price of…

SJR Impact factor
1,384Acceptance Rate
20 %Time to publication
NPDInmediate OA:
2480 €
Embargoed OA:
Non OA:
0 €
Academic Press Inc.
Preventive Medicine is a journal with an H index of 194. It is an journal with a review system, and It has a price of…

SJR Impact factor
1,69Acceptance Rate
20 %Time to publication
NPDInmediate OA:
Embargoed OA:
Non OA:
BMJ Publishing Group
Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health is a journal with an H index of 193. It is an journal with a review system, and It has a price of…

SJR Impact factor
2,091Acceptance Rate
20 %Time to publication
NPDInmediate OA:
Embargoed OA:
Non OA:
World Health Organization
Bulletin of the World Health Organization is a journal with an H index of 195. It is an journal with a review system, and It has a price of…

SJR Impact factor
1,703Acceptance Rate
20 %Time to publication
NPDInmediate OA:
2750 €
Embargoed OA:
Non OA:
0 €
Elsevier Inc.
Journal of Adolescent Health is a journal with an H index of 193. It is an journal with a review system, and It has a price of…

SJR Impact factor
2,265Acceptance Rate
21 %Time to publication
NPDInmediate OA:
Embargoed OA:
Non OA:
0 €
Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd
Obesity Reviews is a journal with an H index of 199. It is an journal with a review system, and It has a price of…

SJR Impact factor
2,818Acceptance Rate
21 %Time to publication
NPDInmediate OA:
Embargoed OA:
Non OA:
Annual Reviews Inc.

The Annual Review of Public Health, in publication since 1980, covers significant developments in the field of public health, including key developments and issues in epidemiology and biostatistics, environmental and occupational health, social environment and behavior, health services, and public health practice and policy. Volumes 38 (2017) and 39 (2018) are available open access under a Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license, and previous volumes (1980-2016) are also free to read. Support for this initiative to increase openness and transparency in research is provided by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation.

SJR Impact factor
5,44Acceptance Rate
21 %Time to publication
NPDInmediate OA:
- €
Embargoed OA:
- €
Non OA:
0 €
Springer Netherlands

Quality of Life Research is an international, multidisciplinary journal devoted to the rapid communication of original research, theoretical articles and methodological reports related to the field of quality of life, in all the health sciences. The journal also offers editorials, literature, book and software reviews, correspondence and abstracts of conferences.Quality of life has become a prominent issue in biometry, philosophy, social science, clinical medicine, health services and outcomes research. The journal's scope reflects the wide application of quality of life assessment and research in the biological and social sciences. All original work is subject to peer review for originality, scientific quality and relevance to a broad readership.This is an official journal of the International Society of Quality of Life Research.
Why publish with us
We are an official journal of the International Society for Quality of Life Research (ISOQOL), a leading society in the field of health-related quality of life research.
Our journal is ranked in the top quartile of the health policy and services category of the JCR Social Science Citation Index.
The journal promotes the rapid communication of original research, articles, and methodological reports on quality of life research and assessment in the biological and health sciences.

SJR Impact factor
1,299Acceptance Rate
21 %Time to publication
NPDInmediate OA:
2690 €
Embargoed OA:
Non OA:
0 €
BMJ Publishing Group
Occupational and Environmental Medicine is a journal with an H index of 162. It is an journal with a review system, and It has a price of…

SJR Impact factor
1,346Acceptance Rate
22 %Time to publication
NPDInmediate OA:
Embargoed OA:
Non OA:
Elsevier Ltd
Accident Analysis and Prevention is a journal with an H index of 188. It is an journal with a review system, and It has a price of…

SJR Impact factor
1,897Acceptance Rate
21 %Time to publication
NPDInmediate OA:
Embargoed OA:
Non OA:
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