Bulletin of Mathematical Biology

ISSN: 0092-8240

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Bulletin of Mathematical Biology Q1 Unclaimed

Springer New York United States
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The Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, the official journal of the Society for Mathematical Biology, disseminates original research findings and other information relevant to the interface of biology and the mathematical sciences. Contributions should have relevance to both fields. In order to accommodate the broad scope of new developments, the journal accepts a variety of contributions, including: Original research articles focused on new biological insights gained with the help of tools from the mathematical sciences or new mathematical tools and methods with demonstrated applicability to biological investigations Research in mathematical biology education Reviews Commentaries Perspectives, and contributions that discuss issues important to the profession All submissions are considered by the editorial board, and all published papers are peer-reviewed. Edited by working scientists Offers reports on theoretical advances, with clear exposition of how they further biological understanding Disciplines covered include computational, theoretical and experimental biology Official journal of the Society for Mathematical Biology 95% of authors who answered a survey reported that they would definitely publish or probably publish in the journal again It has an SJR impact factor of 0,61.

Bulletin of Mathematical Biology focuses its scope in these topics and keywords: model, feedback, minimal, method, markov, marine, management, landscapea, jumpgrowth, minimize, ...

Type: Journal

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Languages: English

Open Access Policy: Open Choice

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Publication frecuency: -


Bulletin of Mathematical Biology


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Aims and Scope

model, feedback, minimal, method, markov, marine, management, landscapea, jumpgrowth, minimize, modelevolution, multistage, mutation, optimal, output, parallel, populationsmodeling, predator, prey, infections, health, global, bacterial, based, processmaturity, cell, controlmodeling, derivation, design, dispersion, dynamics, ecosystemsa, evoepidemiological, evolutionary, experiments, exploited, fitness, flat,

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