Default: Endocrine Pathology

ISSN: 1046-3976

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Endocrine Pathology Q1 Unclaimed

Humana Press United States
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Endocrine Pathology is a journal indexed in SJR in Medicine (miscellaneous) and Pathology and Forensic Medicine with an H index of 60. It has a price of 3190 €. It has an SJR impact factor of 2,566 and it has a best quartile of Q1. It is published in English. It has an SJR impact factor of 2,566.

Type: Journal

Type of Copyright:

Languages: English

Open Access Policy: Open Choice

Type of publications:

Publication frecuency: -


Endocrine Pathology


SJR Impact factor


H Index


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An Immunohistochemical Survey of Nine Cases of Medullary Carcinoma of Thyroid Including Reactivity for Cox-1 and Cox-2 Enzymes

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Immunocytochemical Localization of Prohormone Convertase 1/3 and 2 in Thyroid C-Cells and Medullary Thyroid Carcinomas

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Mature Cystic Teratoma Involving Adrenal Gland

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p53/MDM2 Pathway Aberrations in Parathyroid Tumors: p21WAF-1 and MDM2 Are Frequently Overexpressed in Parathyroid Adenomas

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Expression of Cellular Retinol- and Retinoic Acid-Binding Proteins in Normal and Pathologic Human Parathyroid Glands

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Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis with Amyloid Goiter: Report of a Case with Review of the Literature

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Downregulation of E-Cadherin and Its Undercoat Proteins in Pituitary Growth Hormone Cell Adenomas with Prominent Fibrous Bodies

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Difficult Cases of Thyroid Pathology

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Evaluation of Endocrine Neoplasms Using Fine Needle Aspiration Biopsy

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Expression of the von Hippel-Lindau Tumor Suppressor Gene in Nonneoplastic and Neoplastic Lesions of the Thyroid

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Correlation Between PCNA Expression and AgNOR Dots in Pituitary Adenomas

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Central Precocious Puberty and Abnormal Chromosomal Patterns

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Familial Nonmedullary Thyroid Neoplasia

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Autopsy Findings in Diabetic Patients: A 27-Yr Clinicopathologic Study with Emphasis on Opportunistic Infections and Cancers

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Differential Reactivity for Galectin-3 in Hurthle Cell Adenomas and Carcinomas

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Poorly Differentiated Oxyphilic (Hurthle Cell) Carcinoma Arising in Lingual Thyroid: A Case Report and Review of the Literature

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Analysis of beta-Catenin Mutations and a-, beta-, and gamma-Catenin Expression in Normal and Neoplastic Human Pituitary Tissues

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Hurthle Cell Carcinoma Arising from Thyroid Papillary Carcinoma

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C-Cell Hyperplasia and Medullary Thyroid Microcarcinoma

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The Cadherin-Catenin Superfamily in Endocrine Tumors

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Tumors of Thyroid Follicular Epithelium: Where Have We Been and Where Are We Going?

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Prolactin-Producing Pituitary Adenoma Associated with Prolactin Cell Hyperplasia

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