Machine Learning Q1 Unclaimed
Machine Learning is an international forum for research on computational approaches to learning. The journal publishes articles reporting substantive results on a wide range of learning methods applied to a variety of learning problems. The journal features papers that describe research on problems and methods, applications research, and issues of research methodology. Papers making claims about learning problems or methods provide solid support via empirical studies, theoretical analysis, or comparison to psychological phenomena. Applications papers show how to apply learning methods to solve important applications problems. Research methodology papers improve how machine learning research is conducted. All papers describe the supporting evidence in ways that can be verified or replicated by other researchers. The papers also detail the learning component clearly and discuss assumptions regarding knowledge representation and the performance task. An international forum for research on computational approaches to learning. Reports substantive results on a wide range of learning methods applied to a variety of learning problems. Provides solid support via empirical studies, theoretical analysis, or comparison to psychological phenomena. Shows how to apply learning methods to solve important applications problems. Improves how machine learning research is conducted. It has an SJR impact factor of 1,72.
Type: Journal
Type of Copyright:
Languages: English
Open Access Policy: Open Choice
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Publication frecuency: -

2290 €
Inmediate OANPD
Embargoed OA0 €
Non OAMetrics
SJR Impact factor169
H Index219
Total Docs (Last Year)368
Total Docs (3 years)11327
Total Refs2427
Total Cites (3 years)356
Citable Docs (3 years)5.09
Cites/Doc (2 years)51.72
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