Polar Biology

ISSN: 0722-4060

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Polar Biology Q2 Unclaimed

Springer Verlag Germany
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Call for Papers - Special Issue on Biotically-mediated nutrient transfer (see Journal Updates page for submission information) Polar Biology is a focal point for biologists working in polar regions. It is also of interest to scientists working in biology, ecology and physiology in general, as well as in oceanography and climatology related to polar life. Polar Biology publishes Research papers, Reviews, Brief Reports, Correspondence and Comments that present results of studies on plants, animals, and micro-organisms of ocean, land and freshwater habitats in polar and subpolar regions of both hemispheres from a wide range of topics: Taxonomy/ Biogeography Life History Spatio-temporal Patterns in Abundance and Diversity Ecological Interactions Trophic Ecology Ecophysiology/ Biochemistry of Adaptation Biogeochemical Pathways and Cycles Ecological Models Human Impact/ Climate Change/ Conservation Why publish in Polar Biology The journal’s diverse and international editorial board includes representation across many sub-specialties of research The journal welcomes authors to collaborate and contribute to special topical collections and supplements for consideration POBI welcomes diverse contributions that focus on original research within the Arctic and Antarctic regions The journal is pleased to announce that its 2021 Impact Factor is 2.198 and it is ranked in two Clarivate categories: Ecology and Biodiversity Conservation It has an SJR impact factor of 0,566.

Polar Biology focuses its scope in these topics and keywords: antarcticus, penguin, island, themisto, southern, south, fish, populations, european, euphausia, ...

Type: Journal

Type of Copyright:

Languages: English

Open Access Policy: Open Choice

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Publication frecuency: -


2190 €

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Polar Biology


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Aims and Scope

antarcticus, penguin, island, themisto, southern, south, fish, populations, european, euphausia, estimates, harpagifer, haulout, hydrography, immunological, islands, larval, elephant, effect, diversity, afgp, antarctica, antarcticadiving, antifreeze, bunting, chinstrap, collected, data, density, derived, distribution,

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