Protein & Cell Q1 Unclaimed

Oxford University Press United Kingdom
Unfortunately this journal has not been claimed yet. For this reason, some information may be unavailable.

Protein & Cell will cease publication with Springer Nature on completion of Volume 13/2022. The journal will continue in cooperation with a new publisher from Volume 14/2023. Please contact the Editorial Office ( for information regarding the new publisher and submission process. Why publish with us We provide a forum to foster academic exchange among researchers across different fields of the life sciences. We publish research highlights, news, views, and commentaries covering the latest developments in multidisciplinary areas in biology and biomedicine, emphasizing protein and cell research. Open access publication ensures that your article can be easily discovered, accessed, used, and shared, maximising your impact and acting as a springboard for further discovery. We provide high levels of author satisfaction, with 94% of our published authors reporting that they would definitely or probably publish with us again. It has an SJR impact factor of 4,412.

Type: Journal

Type of Copyright: CC BY

Languages: English

Open Access Policy: Open Access

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Protein & Cell


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Aims and Scope

Biochemistry Protein Science Cell Biology Stem Cells Human Genetics Developmental Biology

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