Review of Accounting Studies

ISSN: 1380-6653

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Review of Accounting Studies Q1 Unclaimed

Springer New York United States
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Review of Accounting Studies provides an outlet for significant academic research in accounting including theoretical, empirical, and experimental work. The journal is committed to the principle that distinctive scholarship is rigorous. While the editors encourage all forms of research, manuscripts must contribute to the discipline of accounting. The Review of Accounting Studies is committed to prompt turnaround on the manuscripts it receives and strives to commit to accept-reject decisions early in the review process. Consequently, the majority of accepted manuscripts receive that decision for the initial submission or first revision.  Authors are provided the opportunity to revise accepted manuscripts in order to accommodate reviewer and editor comments; however, discretion over such manuscripts resides principally with the author(s). Due to the policy of committing to accept-reject decisions early in the process, a revise and resubmit decision is generally reserved for new submissions that are not currently acceptable, but for which the editor sees a clear path of changes that would make the manuscript publishable. Officially cited as: Rev Account Stud It has an SJR impact factor of 5,481.

Type: Journal

Type of Copyright:

Languages: English

Open Access Policy: Open Choice

Type of publications:

Publication frecuency: -


Review of Accounting Studies


SJR Impact factor


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