Top 15 journals in Issues, Ethics and Legal Aspects
In this page you can find 47 journals from the Issues, Ethics and Legal Aspects category. Below you can find the best journals of this category based on your own requirements, including Impact Factor, Publication Type, Open Access policy and Price.
BMJ Publishing Group
Journal of Medical Ethics is a journal with an H index of 87. It is an journal with a review system, and It has a price of…

SJR Impact factor
0,952Acceptance Rate
26 %Time to publication
NPDInmediate OA:
3429 €
Embargoed OA:
Non OA:
0 €
Hastings Center Report is a journal with an H index of 72. It is an journal with a review system, and It has a price of…

SJR Impact factor
0,667Acceptance Rate
28 %Time to publication
NPDInmediate OA:
2100 €
Embargoed OA:
Non OA:
0 €
Elsevier B.V.
Journal of Aging Studies is a journal with an H index of 80. It is an journal with a review system, and It has a price of…

SJR Impact factor
0,654Acceptance Rate
27 %Time to publication
NPDInmediate OA:
Embargoed OA:
Non OA:
Taylor and Francis Ltd.
American Journal of Bioethics is a journal with an H index of 71. It is an journal with a review system, and It has a price of…

SJR Impact factor
0,967Acceptance Rate
28 %Time to publication
NPDInmediate OA:
2395 €
Embargoed OA:
Non OA:
0 €
SAGE Publications Inc.
Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics is a journal with an H index of 66. It is an journal with a review system, and It has a price of…

SJR Impact factor
0,669Acceptance Rate
29 %Time to publication
NPDInmediate OA:
3971,1 €
Embargoed OA:
Non OA:
0 €
SAGE Publications Ltd
Nursing Ethics is a journal with an H index of 76. It is an journal with a review system, and It has a price of…

SJR Impact factor
1,279Acceptance Rate
28 %Time to publication
NPDInmediate OA:
Embargoed OA:
Non OA:
0 €
Johns Hopkins University Press
Perspectives in Biology and Medicine is a journal with an H index of 55. It is an journal with a review system, and It has a price of…

SJR Impact factor
0,262Acceptance Rate
30 %Time to publication
NPDInmediate OA:
Embargoed OA:
Non OA:
Oxford University Press
Journal of Medicine and Philosophy is a journal with an H index of 58. It is an journal with a review system, and It has a price of…

SJR Impact factor
0,406Acceptance Rate
30 %Time to publication
NPDInmediate OA:
2395 €
Embargoed OA:
Non OA:
0 €
Springer Netherlands

Science and Engineering Ethics is an international multidisciplinary journal dedicated to exploring ethical issues associated with science and engineering, covering professional education, research and practice as well as the effects of technological innovations and research findings on society. While the focus of this journal is on science and engineering, contributions from a broad range of disciplines, including social sciences and humanities, are welcomed. Areas of interest include, but are not limited to, ethics of new and emerging technologies, research ethics, computer ethics, energy ethics, animals and human subjects ethics, ethics education in science and engineering, ethics in design, biomedical ethics, values in technology and innovation. We welcome contributions that deal with these issues from an international perspective, particularly from countries that are underrepresented in these discussions.
Explores ethical issues of concern to scientists and engineers
Covers professional education, standards and ethics in research and practice
Discusses the effects of innovation on society at large
Includes contributions from a broad range of disciplines

SJR Impact factor
1,194Acceptance Rate
29 %Time to publication
NPDInmediate OA:
2390 €
Embargoed OA:
Non OA:
0 €
Elsevier B.V.
Legal Medicine is a journal with an H index of 53. It is an journal with a review system, and It has a price of…

SJR Impact factor
0,491Acceptance Rate
31 %Time to publication
NPDInmediate OA:
Embargoed OA:
Non OA:
0 €
Johns Hopkins University Press
Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal is a journal with an H index of 48. It is an journal with a review system, and It has a price of…

SJR Impact factor
0,45Acceptance Rate
32 %Time to publication
NPDInmediate OA:
Embargoed OA:
Non OA:
BioMed Central Ltd
BMC Medical Ethics is a journal with an H index of 60. It is an CC BY + CC0 journal with a Single blind Peer Review review system, and It has a price of…

SJR Impact factor
0,975Acceptance Rate
30 %Time to publication
25 weeksInmediate OA:
1490 €
Embargoed OA:
Non OA:
- €
D. Steinkopff-Verlag

Der Tatsache, dass immer mehr Menschen immer älter werden und das unsere Gesellschaft entscheidend mitprägt, trägt die Zeitschrift für Gerontologie und Geriatrie schon seit vielen Jahren Rechnung, indem sie mit ihrem breiten Themenspektrum den interessierten Leser über zentrale Entwicklungen in den Alternswissenschaften informiert. Ergebnisse der gerontologischen und geriatrischen Forschung sowie daraus abgeleitete Interventionen, Behandlungsansätze und konzeptionelle Entwicklungen werden in Originalbeiträgen publiziert. Themenbezogene Hefte behandeln ausführlich und interdisziplinär relevante Fragen der Gerontologie in all ihren Facetten: biologischen, geriatrischen, psychologischen, soziologischen, pädagogischen, sozialarbeiterischen und pflegerischen.
Zielgruppen: Geriater*innen, Gerontolog*innen, Alterssoziolog*innen, Gerontopsycholog*innen, Gerontopsychiater*innen, Biogerontolog*innen, Sozialarbeiter*innen und -pädagog*innen, Pflegekräfte und Pflegewissenschaftler*innen, Beschäftigte in geriatrischen Abteilungen/Kliniken, gerontologischen Instituten, Einrichtungen und Institutionen in gerontologischen Handlungsfeldern sowie in der Lehre und Weiter- bzw. Fortbildung Tätige.
Offizielles wissenschaftliches Organ folgender Fachgesellschaften und Verbände: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Gerontologie und Geriatrie (DGGG), Bundesverband Geriatrie (BV Geriatrie), Deutsche Gesellschaft für Geriatrie (DGG) und der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Gerontologie und Geriatrie (ÖGGG)Umfassende Informationen zu allen Entwicklungen in der Alter(n)sforschungThemenbezogene Hefte behandeln Fragen der Gerontologie, der Biologie und Grundlagenforschung des Alterns, der geriatrischen Forschung und Therapie, der Psychologie und Soziologie sowie der praktischen Altenpflege.

SJR Impact factor
0,363Acceptance Rate
32 %Time to publication
NPDInmediate OA:
2490 €
Embargoed OA:
Non OA:
0 €
American Nurses Association
Online Journal of Issues in Nursing is a journal with an H index of 50. It is an journal with a review system, and It has a price of…

SJR Impact factor
0,196Acceptance Rate
31 %Time to publication
NPDInmediate OA:
Embargoed OA:
Non OA:
Springer Netherlands
Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics is a journal with an H index of 44. It is an journal with a review system, and It has a price of…

SJR Impact factor
0,188Acceptance Rate
33 %Time to publication
NPDInmediate OA:
2290 €
Embargoed OA:
Non OA:
0 €
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