Aquaculture International

ISSN: 0967-6120

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Aquaculture International Q2 Unclaimed

Springer Netherlands Netherlands
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CALL FOR PAPERS for Topical Collections. Find out more in the Journal Updates.   An international journal covering all aspects of aquaculture Examines the biology, physiology, pathology and genetics of cultured fish, crustaceans, molluscs, echinoderms, micro- and macroalgae, and plants Covers facility design, sustainable production, water quality, marketing, quality improvement and societal impact Publishes Topical Collections on Aquaponics and Biofloc, Aquaculture Nutrition and Feed Research, Innovations in Disease Control and Diagnosis, Smart Agro-Ecological Practices for Crustacean Farming Encourages contributions that support and advance the UN’s sustainable development goals, in particular SDG14 (Life below water) Official journal of the European Aquaculture Society Aquaculture International is an international journal publishing original research papers, short notes, technical notes and review papers on all aspects of aquaculture. The Journal covers topics such as the biology, physiology, pathology and genetics of cultured fish, crustaceans, molluscs and plants, especially new species; water quality of supply systems, fluctuations in water quality within farms and the environmental impacts of aquacultural operations; nutrition, feeding and stocking practices, especially as they affect the health and growth rates of cultured species; sustainable production techniques; bioengineering studies on the design and management of offshore and land-based systems; the improvement of quality and marketing of farmed products; sociological and societal impacts of aquaculture, and more.  Check the Journal Updates for details and Call for Papers. It has an SJR impact factor of 0,585.

Type: Journal

Type of Copyright:

Languages: English

Open Access Policy: Open Choice

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Publication frecuency: -


2690 €

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Aquaculture International


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