Fungal Ecology

ISSN: 1754-5048

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Fungal Ecology Q2 Unclaimed

Elsevier B.V. Netherlands
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Fungal Ecology publishes investigations into all aspects of fungal ecology, including the following (not exclusive): population dynamics; adaptation; evolution; role in ecosystem functioning, nutrient cycling, decomposition, carbon allocation; ecophysiology; intra- and inter-specific mycelial interactions, fungus-plant (pathogens, mycorrhizas, lichens, endophytes), fungus-invertebrate and fungus-microbe interaction; genomics and (evolutionary) genetics; conservation and biodiversity; remote sens It has an SJR impact factor of 0,665.

Type: Journal

Type of Copyright: CC BY

Languages: English

Open Access Policy: Open Choice

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Publication frecuency: -


Fungal Ecology


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