International Journal of Plant Sciences

ISSN: 1058-5893

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International Journal of Plant Sciences Q2 Unclaimed

University of Chicago United States
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International Journal of Plant Sciences is a journal indexed in SJR in Plant Science and Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics with an H index of 97. It has an SJR impact factor of 0,624 and it has a best quartile of Q2. It is published in English. It has an SJR impact factor of 0,624.

International Journal of Plant Sciences focuses its scope in these topics and keywords: evolution, lang, insights, implications, hymenaea, hosts, herbivory, genus, fossils, lectotypification, ...

Type: Journal

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Languages: English

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International Journal of Plant Sciences


SJR Impact factor


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Aims and Scope

evolution, lang, insights, implications, hymenaea, hosts, herbivory, genus, fossils, lectotypification, leguminosae, phyllanthus, phyllanthaceae, patagonia, organically, neotropical, morphological, márquez, ligorio, formation, focus, floral, caesalpinioideae, bacterial, bat, brazilian, caribbean, cenozoic, cerrados, character, chloranthaceae, control, cooksonia, cuban, cucurbitaa, definition, disease, early,

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