Default: Philosophy and Phenomenological Research

ISSN: 0031-8205

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Philosophy and Phenomenological Research Q1 Unclaimed

Wiley-Blackwell United States
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Philosophy and Phenomenological Research is a journal indexed in SJR in History and Philosophy of Science and Philosophy with an H index of 55. It has a price of 2100 €. It has an SJR impact factor of 1,924 and it has a best quartile of Q1. It is published in English. It has an SJR impact factor of 1,924.

Type: Journal

Type of Copyright:

Languages: English

Open Access Policy: Open Choice

Type of publications:

Publication frecuency: -


2100 €

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Embargoed OA

0 €

Non OA


Philosophy and Phenomenological Research


SJR Impact factor


H Index


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Cites/Doc (2 years)




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The Logic of Aristotle and Formal Logic

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Objective Being and "Ofness" in Descartes

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